
Digital science literacy using social and mobile media in a science center learning context

The project deals with how mobile media can be used to scaffold young peoples’ creative science learning in a semi-formal learning context. The project positions itself between the research fields of semi-formal learning, digital literacy and museology, and qualitative studies are conducted in the science center Experimentarium’s semi-formal learning environment consisting of a school workshop "Energy agent for a day" and the associated exhibition.

The rock map of Denmark

The aim of the project is to investigate how a digital social network site (Web 2.0) can be applied to facilitate collection, selection and creation of knowledge in a museum setting where rock and popular music is the topic. In methodological terms, the investigation applies ethnological methods as well as a collaborative design process involving users and other stakeholders.

Aesthetic learning, animation filmmaking and ict

The aim of the PhD project is to advance a granular understanding of media literacy by analysing relations between media production and consumption. I co-designed an online learning resource, "The animation island" (AnimationsØen),  for the production of  multimodal, animated film and studied Danish upper-secondary school students’ appropriation of the resources...