Museum communication: Practices and perspectives. International research conference

Torsdag, 27. august 2015 til Fredag, 28. august 2015

Venue: Danish Royal Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen, Denmark

See conference background and programme.

See position papers

See DREAM film on Youtube or on Vimeo

See pictures from the conference

Invited keynote speakers:

Charles Crook, Professor and Director at the Learning Sciences Research Institute, University of Nottingham, UK. See presentation.

Karen Knutson, Associate Director at the Center for Learning in Out-of-School Environments, University of Pittsburgh, US. See presentation.

Angela McFarlane, Professor and Chief Executive at the College of Teachers, UK. See presentation.

Jan Packer, Associate professor and Principal Research Fellow, School of Business, University of Queensland, AU. See presentation.

Ross Parry, Academic Director, and Senior Lecturer at the School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester, UK. See presentation.

Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Professor at the Department of Journalism and Communication, University of Tartu, FI. See presentation.

Angelina Russo, Professor and Associate Dean for Research at the Faculty of Arts and Design, University of Canberra, AU. See presentation.

Mike Sharples, Professor and Chair, Institute of Educational Technology at the Open University, UK. See presentation.

Dagny Stuedahl, Professor at the Department of Learning and Education, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NO. See presentation.