PhD defense by Anne Rørbæk Olesen

Tirsdag, 23. juni 2015

Tuesday June 23, 2015 at 13.00 – 16.00 in room 42.2-37

Anne Rørbæk Olesen defends her thesis: Co-designing Digital Museum Communication - An exploration of digital museum communication as it emerges in collaborative design interaction between museum staff and digital designers

Abstract: The aim of the thesis is to explore how digital museum communication emerges in collaborative design processes, focusing on interaction between museum staff and digital designers. Using ethnographic and sociological methods, the thesis contributes with visualisations, conclusions and suggestions in terms of how digital designers are involved in the design processes as well as how digital museum communication is understood, negotiated and co-designed. Overall, the thesis stresses the importance of focusing on process over product when developing, researching and funding digital museum communication. Furthermore, the thesis contributes with expansions to the analytical approaches of situational analysis and to theoretical perspectives on boundary objects.

Assessment Committee: Michael Haldrup, Associate Professor (chairman), Communication, Business and Information Technologies, Roskilde University, DK Charlotte Lee, Associate Professor, Human Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington, USA Anders Buch, Associate Professor, Department of Education, Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University, DK

Head of defense: Keld Bødker, Head of Doctoral School, Communication, Business and Information Technologies, RUC, DK

Supervisor: Kim Schrøder, Professor, Communication, Business and Information Technologies, RUC, DK

Co-supervisor: Stine Willum Adrian, Associate Professor, Department of Education, Learning and Philosophy, AAU, DK

After the defense CBIT will host a reception.