Line Vestergaard Knudsen defends her phD thesis

Monday, September 7, 2015

Monday 7 September 2015 13.00–16.00 in room 44.1-40, Line Vestergaard Knudsen defends her thesis:

The Map of Danish Rock History- Participation enacted as difference

The thesis is a design-based, ethnographic and auto-ethnographic study of a specific participatory collaborative design process in a new Danish museum, The Danish Rock Museum, Roskilde. A design process that included potential users and collaborators from outside the museum.
Here I examine how participation was unfolded and particularly how the included participants helped set directions for the design object, a digital communication platform called The Map of Danish Rock History. In this way I seek to understand participation as enacted in the museum and ask for whether and how participation had impact in the museum, specifically in this design process. Methodological and theoretical resources of participatory design and Science and Technology Studies (STS) are applied to both plan and examine the participatory collaborative process.

Assessment committee
Michael Haldrup (chairman), associate professor, CBIT, Roskilde University, DK
Brit Ross Winthererik, the IT University, DK
Klas Grinell, docent, Världskulturmuseet, Göteborg, SE

Ida Willig, ph.d. head of programme, CBIT, Roskilde University, DK

Oluf Danielsen, associate professor, CBIT, Roskilde University, DK

Tine Damsholt, associate professor, University of Copenhagen, DK
