The R&D programme DREAM terminated by the end of 2015. You can still search our site but it is no longer updated.


DREAM aims to facilitate creative media and information literacies by developing digital learning resources and practices across formal, semi-formal and informal learning sites. In partnership with public and private stakeholders, we:
• produce robust scientific studies of creative forms of learning with digital resources to inform future-directed teaching and learning

• shape new learning resources through user-led design and prototyping to support new forms of technology-assisted learning

• share theory-driven evidence and best practices to advance the quality and usability of learning resources for 21st-century skills

• sustain spaces of dialogue and debate between creative industries, developers of educational ict and media, and the learning sector to stimulate knowledge exchange and creative experimentation of wider societal impact.

DREAM international research conference 2015 "Museum communication: Practices and perspectives" - see more

See pictures from the conference

See the DREAM movie on Youtube or on Vimeo