Young people's use of science museums social media communication

The project examines how young people aged 12-20 make use of creative communication strategies when involved in social media activities in relation to museums. Through theoretical and empirical studies, the project aims at identifying the dynamics that occur when young people get involved with these activities and how their interaction and reflection processes relate to the content and communication purposes indended by the museum.

In empirical terms, the project co-designs and analyses new digital learning resources for science literacy in partnership with three of DREAM’s science museum stakeholders: the National History Museum of Denmark, The Blue Planet − National Aquarium Denmark and the natural history museum Naturama. The project focuses on a variety of existing and emerging digital initiatives (online and on site, mobile and location-based). In methodological terms, the project adopts a mixed-method approach involving media ethnography (observation, depth interviews) and participatory design methods. Particularly, the participatory design dimension serves to provide concrete input and guidance to the development process, thus facilitating a high degree of innovation and adoption.

Project duration
1 June 2012 to 19 October 2015