
Museums and creative industries: options and obstacles in collaborating for digital innovation

The PhD project explores collaboration between museums and creative industries in developing ICT that support museum experiences in innovative ways. The theme is investigated on two levels: A macro level focusing on how different forms of collaboration are established and developed and a micro level focusing on how collaboration outplays in the creative processes of developing ideas and concepts for ICT.

The rock map of Denmark

The aim of the project is to investigate how a digital social network site (Web 2.0) can be applied to facilitate collection, selection and creation of knowledge in a museum setting where rock and popular music is the topic. In methodological terms, the investigation applies ethnological methods as well as a collaborative design process involving users and other stakeholders.

Digital innovation: organizational challenges

The second generation of web-based communities and hosted services facilitates collaboration and sharing between users and reciprocity between users and providers, embracing open communication, decentralization of authority, and freedom to share and re-use. Such uses challenge received notions of organisational structure, distribution of professional authority and organisational branding....